martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008

The future of the line of succession to the French Throne

At the present we as legitimists, have a lot of luck and blessings from the heaven, not only the French Bourbon line is separated from the Spanish one (Ensuring the principle of separation of both the french and spanish thrones), but also we have a young and promising King, HMCM Louis XX of France.

However not everything is that fine when we talk about the succession, up to this moment both main lines of the Bourbon family are lacking male heirs, in fact after our king, the next in the succession is Juan Carlos I of Spain who has always rejected the rights of Louis XX to be entitled "King of France".

After Juan Carlos comes the Prince of Asturias whose wife Letizia, after two pregnancies still lacks a male heir. The situation is in fact very worrisome, because of the following factors:

1.- If our kings fails to produce a male heir, the line will go to the Spanish one, and so the claim will become weaker as it will be must likely durmant. The spanish branch is even hostile to their rights to the French Throne.
2.- If both Louis XX and the future Philip VI of Spain fail to produce male heirs, the throne would pass to a minor line of the Bourbons, that of the Dukes of Seville descending from Charles IV of Spain through his grandson Enrique de Borbón (We ignore if they embrace the legitimist ideology.

For that all the legitimist shall pray to our Lord Jesuschrist in order that the queen Margarita becomes pregned again and bear us the so desired Dauphin. It is a basic need for the legitimist cause to preserve and perpetuate the male line of our king Louis XX.

With this entry I finish with the series surrounding the french succession, I've explained why the claim of Louis XX is the only valid, and why the Orleanism goes against the true ideals of monarchism. My next topic will be the Jacobitism, making however clear that I do respect and recognize HM Elizabeth II as the true and legitime Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwhealt Realms.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Muy Buenas tardes don Carlos: Yo soy de Lima, Perú un país en el que oficialmente no hay ningún movimiento monárquico, pero en el que hay aún muchas personas interesadas en ella, yo también he hecho muchas investigaciones y me gustaría intercambiar conocimientos con Ud. mi afición es la heráldica y la genealogía, y tengo una muy amplia colección tanto de armas de la nobleza como de árboles genealógicos, me gustaría estar en contacto con Ud. y todos aquellos que gusten de lo mismo, y quizás formar un grupo, desgraciadamente no sé como hacerlo y entiendo y hablo el inglés pero no con la fluidez necesaria,pongo mi mail a disposición de Uds. porque me gustaría intercambiar correspondencia a este respecto:
con mis respetos:
Hèctor Zûñiga